QAL Tallinn 5.6.-16

How do the guys top themselves show after show?

Tallinn had everything a fantastic rock concert needs: high energy from the start to the very last second, audience that was in it from the get go & the artists feeding from that energy. It was a real deal old school rock concert. Truly spectacular.


A pro pic from the gig. Sadly i don’t  know whom to credit.

Adam was all smiles and sang with so much passion, agression & beauty. Roger & Brian showd no age when they killed it with their talent.

I am beyond words – i really am. This gig was an experience of a lifetime.

Dr Brian May himself liked 3 of my tweets about the concert.



This tweet was retweeted by the man himself. This moment shows the level of the energy and crazyness of the show. And yes the leather coat one is me.

Sadly no WWTLF yet again,but no matter. The song is a favorite of mine & so many others,but the show was 5/5 so it doesn’t matter.

Adam’s vocals were out of this world. Crazy highnotes & so much power. He showd without a doubt why he is the right and the only heir to the thrown.


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