Last gig of 2016 EU tour.

Went to the venue around 11:30am. Hot weather once again. We received news that everyone needs to go to the box office to receive their tickets or if they had a fan zone ticket then they need to have a bracelet. So..Thousands of people shoving and pushing themselves in to this small box office. General admission, fan zone tickets, seated ticket and VIP – all had to queue to get whatever they needed from this one tiny office that had zero organisation. There were 4 people who had no idea about anything working there. Chaos. Absolutely the worst experience in a concert i have ever been in.

Also i learned (my fault, not theirs) that since my fan zone ticket was paid with my dad’s card i couldn’t receive my ticket thus i was ticketless eventho i had paid for it. This news was delivered to me after i had queued in three out of four “queues”. The workers just told me and many others to go to the window next door. Absolutely ridiculous and so unprofessional. It was so bad that i decided that this was the first and last time for me to go to a concert in Italy. Thank you very much. Oh and the fact that it was +35C didn’t help at all.

After i had learned that my beautiful fan zone ticket will just stay in the office a very nice fan helped me out. She had bought an extra seated ticket for herself so i got that one.

When i entered the seated area i went to use the toilets. Even that was a catastrophie. There were hundreds of people queuing to use these few restrooms. Unbelievable. There were security guards in the toilet queue to try and keep it in somewhat of an order. Insane.

Eventually i was ready to sit down, but then i ran in to the fan who helped me out with the ticket. She had found a fan zone bracelet – someone obviously had lost it. She gave it to me and told me to “have fun” 😊

I ended up in the fan zone are about row 7. Didn’t see anything at all so i decided to sing and that’s what i did.

The audience did sing loud and that was very nice, but i was suprised how abruptly the cheering and clapping ended after each song vs in other countries.

Sadly in front of me there were three girls who talked thruout the entire gig and were on facebook. Very annoying.

It may had been the fact that i was far away, but in my experience the guys weren’t at their best. It felt like they were tired & ready to go home at times. It was lacking the intense energy that the previous gigs have had. Not saying they were bad in no means, but there was defenetly noticeable differences when you compare this gig to the others i have seen. My friend was in the second row & she agreed with me that this wasn’t the best we have seen.

One of the screens didn’t work and at times Adam’s mic seemed to have problems.

Brian was clearly the audiences favorite. He got huge applauses everytime he did something.

High points: gorgeous venue, B&B place & owner were great, Who Wants To Live Forever, Somebody To Love and Love Of My Life

Minus: Unorganised fiasco (not the guys fault ofcrs), going to the city after the gig with pre ordered shuttle bus “service” was yet another failure (thousands of people and hardly any buses. We waited about two hours for a bus).

The citys me & my friend went to or thru to get to the next gig were as follows:
Helsinki, Cologne, Copenhagen x2, Dusserdölf, Bryssel, Warsaw, Auschwitz, Katowice, Berlin, Bucharest, Sofia, Milan x2, Padua, Istanbul, Venice, Helsinki.

Tour highlights:
Experiencing truly amazing live music, meeting new people, traveling and seeing different cultures, Bucharest and Sofia were beautiful and the gigs were spectacular, being a tourist in Poland for a few days, nice and unique B&B and hotels (10-20€/night in most places), Adam being superb in Sofia and making us go completely crazy & wet from the champaigne shower (wonderful break from reality), due to the hot weather we got a tank top Adam in Bucharest for the first time, audience singing loudly, fun memories for a very long time, every gig was different and unique, actually a working cooling system in Padua, in Poland a make fan proposed to his girlfriend on the stage and she said yes – very beautiful.

Tour not so great experiences: Monsoon in Cologne, blazing hot weather in Bucharest +40C, fiasco in Padua, our room cooling system in Bucharest was a fan we named “Larry the lawnmoer” – loud. Electric Pyramid – enough said.

Traveling non stop with a backbag for two tweeks from one country to the next meant that we had some mishaps along the way as well. Wrong airport, illeagal taxi ride (crazy, kinda surreal and risky but at midnight when u realise u are in a wrong airport and u only have a few hours to make it across the city to get ur flight and nothing was working – yeah it was the only way), some guy in Poland took us to the railwaystation since the only bus going there didn’t come and we would have missed our flight, I lost my ipad (pissed off), train strike in Italy – the only in advance paid train trip we had (stress).

This trip has been overwhelming in so many levels. Truly amazing concerts and fan experiences with Adam and crazy stuff happening. All ended well and now two exhausted but happy Finnberts are on their way home. Home to go to work the next day so we can save money for our next adventures.


Can’t remember this guys name, but he was one of the crew members. I named him The Viking and then later on i saw this pic of him with an actual Viking hat on! 😅







In Sofia i saw a box that said “Queen sex pit”

Final notes: i am forever greatfull for being able to see these shows. QAL has made me a very happy lady 😊



Hot, but not as bad as in Bucharest. People here don’t queue. Most came around 4pm and the gates were suppose to open at 5pm.

Worst security ever. No one knew what they were doing, they didn’t know what door we should enter from until maybe 15 min before they let us in. The doors were suppose to open at 5pm, but it was almost 6pm when they just said “go” and ppl ran like the wind. No bag checking at all.

From the very second the audience and the band were on fire. Adam was amazing as usual, but tonight he was extra playful. Riffs and highnotes once again. Always so beautiful. Audience sang with all that they had. Fantastic energy.

STL was out if this world as was WWTFL. People sang LOML very loudly and it was magical.

During Somebody To Love Adam got tangled in his earphones. Hilarious. Then after the highnote he ended up on the floor. Heh. Silly man.

The energy with thousands of people singing, jumping & cheering is incredible. It’s something that can’t be told on paper it has to be felt. It’s such s thrill. No wonder artists love to tour – it’s addictive. Best drug in the world.

Main event: ADAM SPAT ON ME!!!! Been waiting for it for two years. It made my year. I have never screamed so loud in my entire life. Loved it.

What can i say? The guys just keep getting better and better with each show. Unbelievable.

So far in no order my top 3 in -16: Tallinn, Bucharest and Sofia

Got the setlist 🙌

If Bucharest was 5/5 this was 5/5 with sugar on top and a bunch of cherry’s shoved in.



If Poland was hot this one was a ten hour long sauna day. Never been so sweaty in my entire life. +35-40C and no shade or clowds. Very humid also.

No pushing, no shoving. Very nice. Mixed crowd. A few kids and adults all ages. I was on row two, but somehow when the guys came on stage i got to the front. I guess people went standind sideways so there was more room.

Screams. Sweat. More screaming. Loud singing. Bliss.

Best view i have had this year. Second best was in Tallinn. I was in the corner of the A-stage & the catwalk.

Sadly i left my camera in the hotel so no beautiful front row gorgeous sweaty tank top pics. Yes tank top since it was so damn hot.

Loads of highnotes, riffing and playful dance moves. I had SO much fun! Def one of the best shows i have ever seen (-15 & -16 tours combined). I danced, sang and smiled thruout the whole show. That’s the good thing of not having a camera with you – in the moment. I was smiling so much. Yes this one was epic gig. Perfect in every way.

More eye contact than in most gigs. Propably due to the awesome place we got.

During Love Of My Life the audience sang so loud that Bri said we were one of the best he has heard and later on he tweeted about it. It was a very beautiful moment.

I almost fainted for the first time. Directly when the curtain went up i went down. It all happened so fast. Standing in the extreme heat all day in the blazing sun & the fact that Adam came on stage in a tank top didn’t help. Luckily i had time to grab the railings & i didn’t fall. I was ok in a few seconds. A girl next to me sadly wasn’t as lucky – she was carried out from her first Adam show.

Just before the guys came on stage there was a fight in the audience. Two security persons started wrestling with someone and then they carried the person out. They were on the other side of the catwalk so i only saw bits here & there. Never seen that before.

I managed to take a few pics with my phone (my cam is broken so there are weird spots)





Got my first QAL setlist 🙌

Then pics by Swoosh who was standing next to me so it’s my view also





QAL is always a 5/5 star show, but this one was 5/5 with sugar on top.



Hot and humid. Sweat was pouring from everyone. Got to the queue at 1pm. Doors opened at 4pm.

Worst rush i have ever been in when the gates opened to the fan zone area. People pushing like their lives depended on it. Somehow me & my friend got to the second row. We decided fairly quickly that we can’t stay there. Shame since it was a good view, but we couldn’t stay there. Too hot & it was only 4pm & people were standing so close to each other that no one could sit down. Plus Queen was going to come on stage at 11 so 7 hours standing in a hot penguin like group – no thank you.

We ended up somewhere in the middle of the fan zone where there was somewhat more room to move. Since i am not that tall i didn’t see the band except via the screens.

There were a few warm up bands before the main event. Have to mention two of them. A woman sang Purple Rain for the memory of Prince. Then a Polish rock band who were very popular came up. No idea what they sang,but the audience knew all the words and loved them.

Then the host of the evening came up with an audience member who said he needs to ask something from his girlfriend. The girlfriend was helped over the railings and she came on to the stage where her boyfriend proposed to her. She said yes. Everyone cheered and were so happy for them. Then the man started singing in to the mic Love Of My Life very out of tune and the audience sang with him. Very beautiful.

The audience was very diverce. From toddlers with Adam and Queen shirts to older folks.

When Queen came on stage it started to rain. Hard.

No pictures with my camera only a few lucky shots that i got when i lifted up my phone.

This gig was a “party, sing, dance in the rain” kinda gig. Different than every other gig i have ever experienced since i have always been on the first or second row.

Audience was loud and energetic. No one seemed to mind the rain. My raincoat broke so i was soaking wet. No matter. It was fun.

Because of the rain Killer Queen and Under Pressure were on the main stage. Adam didn’t come down to the audience during Radio Ga Ga. Drum battle didn’t happen. The catwalk and B stage weren’t used basically at all except for the selfie stick moment & Love Of My Life.

Some of my pics.




Flood, crazy STL & KQ, fun, Adam laughing in his mic for reasons unknown. Different kind of fun.

Now me & my parter in traveling crime are on our way to Romania. Clothes still soaking wet, slept three hours if that, our bus didn’t show up so we got a lift from a stranger who dropped us off to the train station. Show Must Go On.


BRUSSELS 15.6.-16

We arrived at the venue around 1pm. The venue was next to Atonium Design Architecture Museum or in short


The place was so strange – no restaurants, coffee shops or food shops anywhere. Do people eat here? Aparently not. We walked for ages until we found a restaurant. At the second village we found.

So after our food hunting trip we were at the venue around 4pm and the doors opened at 6pm.

In the queue there were an older gentleman who had oxygen mask & carry on oxygen bottle with him. Something u don’t see every day.

Behind us there was a man who was 23 years old and he said he is the #1 Freddie fan and he this gig was going to be his first Queen gig. The man was beyond excited. Too cute.

The men who most defenetly dominated the GA people had on different Queen and QAL shirts from different eras.

Second row B stage with a normal GA ticket and two hours of queueing. Unbelievable.


Killer vocals, riffing, smiles and a very energetic audience that sang and clapped at every song. Next to me was a German guy who sang the entire gig. He knew i was going to stream and before the gig started he texted his wife the stream. After the gig he shooked my hand and said his wife heard him sing. He was so happy about it.

Last year when the guys were supposed to play in Brussels Adam was ill and they had to cancell. Adam now said “i’m really sorry guys,but i was so fucking sick” It’s ok since he defenetly made up for it now. Amazing vocals. Just wow.

The disco ball during WWTLF (this version by the way was truly moving. Adam gave it his all) came down so low that Adam touched it. Never seen that before.

During the finale Adam’s golden mic went mute and he changed it to his red one. Also just before Somebody To Love his ear thing broke “I have to do everything myself” so he fixed it and while he did so he questioned the audience about being in love. “Really, really madly in love” Obviously he wasn’t in love – well maybe with the mic stand.

The audience was one of the best i have seen. Specially during Somebody To Love, Don’t Stop Me Now, Love Of My Life, I Want It All, Tie Your Mother Down, Bo Rap (the applauses after that – wow), Radio Ga Ga and the finale.

So much fun. Adam was on fire and so was the audience. When Brian asked what do we think of Adam – the roar. Yes, we do love him.



QAL Tallinn 5.6.-16

How do the guys top themselves show after show?

Tallinn had everything a fantastic rock concert needs: high energy from the start to the very last second, audience that was in it from the get go & the artists feeding from that energy. It was a real deal old school rock concert. Truly spectacular.


A pro pic from the gig. Sadly i don’t  know whom to credit.

Adam was all smiles and sang with so much passion, agression & beauty. Roger & Brian showd no age when they killed it with their talent.

I am beyond words – i really am. This gig was an experience of a lifetime.

Dr Brian May himself liked 3 of my tweets about the concert.



This tweet was retweeted by the man himself. This moment shows the level of the energy and crazyness of the show. And yes the leather coat one is me.

Sadly no WWTLF yet again,but no matter. The song is a favorite of mine & so many others,but the show was 5/5 so it doesn’t matter.

Adam’s vocals were out of this world. Crazy highnotes & so much power. He showd without a doubt why he is the right and the only heir to the thrown.


Helsinki 3.6.-16

41 years since Brian and Roger were here. Before Adam or I were ever born. When Brian asked us had anyone been at the gig before – silence. He said “no one was born even then except for me” heh. Cute.

The audience was loving the show. The first songs weren’t that well known so it took a couple songs for everyone to start cheering, but when Another One Bites The Dust came on there was no turning back. Everyone was clapping, singing and just loving it. The energy was amazing. Ppl were clearly very happy that the guys came back after such a long time.

For me this was propably the best view I have ever had. Yes I think it it was. Saw the best of both stages. Also Adam actually spent more time at the runway than usual. He most defenetly notices us crazy loud fans at the runway side. 

Fun moments: Roger forgot to start singing at Magic and then Brian had to run the entire catwalk so he could sing the backup vocals. His hair flapping in the wind as he ran. Adam said “Vittu” and everyone cheered and lauged. Brian said “Hyvää iltaa” (good evening) and “Kiitos” (thanks) also “Mitä kuuluu” (whats up). Loved the fact that he had a paper note with him. So cute. Adam was so funny during Crazy Little Thing Called Love. His Elvis was hilarious. Can’t remember everything he said, but he sure made us laugh. When Radio GaGa started ppl at the front went crazy since they knew what was going to happen. Adam. So happy that he came down to the audience and I got to touch his hand. Touching him at the M&G was good, but thos was better. When ppl saw the new red leather pants – the noise we made! Never has a clothing made such a pandemonium. In the queue a radio person interviewed me for a live radio show and aparently I was in the news also when a photograper filmed me when I was running to the ticket inspection. HAHAH

Love and respect moments: after Somebody To Love Brian smiled at Adam so lovingly and gave him a nod. Job well done. Sadly I didn’t get a picture of that moment, but it will always remain in my head. Rock legend loves my idol. Can’t complain about that. When Brian introduced Adam the crowd truly went crazy, such loud roar. 

Odd moments: Brian’s guitar went all weird at Bo Rap and off tune for a second. Also he broke a string. We sadly didn’t get Who Wants To Live Forever. Suprised and gutted since that one is a crowd favorite. Truly a stunning song. Not sure why, but I think it may have been due to the fact that Adam was saving his voice. We didn’t get so many highnotes as usual. 

I don’t think I have partyed and danced so much at a QAL gig before. I was loving every second of the show. Being so close, seeing thousands of ppl around me enjoying the gig full heartedly and it being my hometown gig made it even more amazing than the gigs before. Also seeing Adam smile so much always melts my heart.

Wish I knew how to explain the energy and incredible feeling of this brilliant show. Yes, the songs are pretty much the same gig after gig, but every show is unique. If I compare this gig to Cologne (yes I am sure the rain took away some of the crowd energy) they were from different planets. 

Here  are some pics that I took

Thank you Queen and Adam for playing in my country. We were truly blessed.
